Artesania Latina 19005 Longboat Endeavour
Artesania Latina 19005 Longboat Endeavour
Redesigned wooden model ship kit to build the captain's boat of the British ship HMS Endeavour at 1:50 scale. Kinder and easier assembly experience, improved materials quality and more precise instructions.
Discover thecaptain'slongboatofHMS Endeavour, a fantasticwooden modelat 1:50 scale, reproduced withexceptional fidelity. Guided by our renewed and highly detailed step-by-step multimedia instructions on DVD for computer, modelers can nowaccurately buildtheir replica of this beautiful longboat with a deck and two sticks for sails. No printed instructions are included. You can alsodownloadthe digitalinstructionsforfreeon the button on this product sheet called'Instructions and Downloadable Contents'. This fabulousmodel building kitis aimed at those who want tostartonship modeling.
Thewooden model shipof theHMS Endeavourcaptain's boathashigh-quality partsfor assembly: high precision laser-cut board, hardwoods such as birch, hand-sewn sails ready to be placed, cotton threads and metal parts in photo-etched, brass and die-cast. As abonus, this modeling kit includes a wooden exhibition base with a metal name plate so that the scale model is perfectly exposed. Once the model is finished, it measures 16.53'' (420mm) length x 3.54'' (90mm) width x 10.63'' (270mm) height.
Paint your model with the Pack of Paints for HMS Endeavour Ship Model(277PACK7), for sale separately.You can also order theHMS Endeavour Longboat Gift Pack(19005L), which includes the model, its paints and some tools.
An improved assembly experience that you will love as a modeler. Build your 1:50 scale model of the HMS Endeavour captain's boat!
Launched in 1765 and chosen byJames Cookthree years later to prepare his historic voyage, theship HMS Endeavourwas part ofimportant discoveries. Thanks to this British ship,Australiawas discovered andTahitiand numerous islands were located. In addition,new animal and plant speciesunknown in Europe were discovered. And, finally, it allowed for the first time the calculation with great precision of theposition in longitudeby means of mathematical formulas.
In short, thecontributionof James Cook'svoyagesto navigation, seamanship and geographical exploration are ofhistorical importance. Now you can learn what the captain's boat of HMS Endeavour was like thanks to this 1:50 scale woodenmodelfrom Artesania Latina, a true jewel of naval modeling. Get started on this wonderful hobby with this low difficulty naval replica for beginners.